

There are two ways to assign values to variables in Chicory:

let varName     = "value"
const constName = "value"

Like Javascript, Chicory uses let to declare mutable variables and const to declare immutable constants.


Chicory is statically typed and supports several built-in and composite data types.

Primitive Types

  • number: Represents numerical values (integers and floating-point numbers).
    let count: number = 123
    let price: number = 99.99
  • string: Represents textual data.
    let greeting: string = "Hello, world!"
  • boolean: Represents truth values (true or false).
    let isActive: boolean = true
  • array: Represents a list of values of the same type.
    let numbers: array<number> = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    let names: array<string> = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"]

[TODO: Decide on this:] The obvious missing type is object. Chicory does not have a built-in object type, because in Javascript, objects are arbitrary collections of key-value pairs that can change at runtime. Chicory uses records to represent objects (see below).


Record types are similar to objects or structs in other languages, defining a collection of named fields with associated types.

type Person = {
    name: string,
    age: number,
    city: string,

let john: Person = { name: "John Doe", age: 30, city: "New York" }
  • Record types are defined using curly braces {}.
  • Each field within a record is defined as fieldName: Type.
  • Fields are separated by commas ,.


Tuple types represent ordered lists of values, where each element can have a different type (in contrast to the array primitive).

type Coordinates = [number, number]
type UserInfo = [string, number, boolean]

let point: Coordinates = [10, 20]
let user: UserInfo = ["Alice", 25, true]
  • Tuple types are defined using square brackets [].
  • Each element in a tuple can be a primitiveType or a defined IDENTIFIER (type name).
  • Elements are separated by commas ,.

Algebraic Data Types (ADTs)

ADTs allow you to define types that can be one of several distinct options.

type SimpleADT = Option1 | Option2

type MaybeName =
    | Name(string)
    | None

type Result =
    | Ok(SimpleADT)
    | Err({ error: string })
  • The list of options for an ADT is separated by |, including an optional leading |.
  • Options may be defined as:
    • A simple identifier (e.g., Option1).
    • An identifier with a parameter of a primitive type (e.g., Name(string)).
    • An identifier with a parameter defined as a record-like structure (e.g., Err({ error: string })).
    • The parameter can also be another defined type, including other ADTs (e.g., Ok(SimpleADT)).