Chicory integrates JSX for declarative UI description.

const MyComponent = ({name, count}) =>
    <p>Count: {(count).toString()}</p>
    <p>Double: {(count * 2).toString()}</p>

<MyComponent name="Chicory" count={10} />
  • JSX Elements: Start with an opening tag <TagName> and end with a closing tag </TagName>. Self-closing tags are also supported <TagName />.
  • JSX Attributes: Attributes are defined within the opening tag, like name="Chicory" or count={10}. Attribute values can be:
    • Literal strings and numbers: "value" or 123
    • Expressions: {if (true) "Yes" else "No"}
  • JSX Children: Content within JSX tags can be:
    • Plain Text
    • Expressions
    • Other JSX elements
  • JSX expressions in Chicory compile to JSX. This allows Chicory to be used for frameworks like React, Preact, and Solid.