Control Flow

If Expressions

Conditional execution is handled with if expressions. Unlike Javascript, if is an expression, not a statement. This means that it can be used in places where a value is expected, for example in variable assignments.

const answer = if (airSpeedVelocity > 10 && unladen) {
else if (unladen) {
else {
    "I don't know that!"

const accent = if (hasGrail) "French" else "English"
  • The condition must be an expression that evaluates to a boolean value.
  • The else branch is optional, but in expression context, it’s generally expected for a consistent type.
  • else if chains are created by nesting if expressions in the else branch.
  • The { ... } block is optional and only required if the block contains multiple statements. This allows more terse ternary-like syntax.

Match Expressions

match expressions are used for pattern matching, particularly useful for working with ADTs.

  • Patterns are tried in order. When a pattern matches, the corresponding expression is evaluated, and that’s the result of the match expression.
  • Patterns must be exhaustive, meaning they must cover all possible values of the expression.
  • An identifier will destructure out the value in that place (implicitly matching anything).
  • The _ pattern matches anything, but is not destructured. It is useful for the default case.
  • Like if, the { ... } braces are optional and only required if the block contains multiple statements. But the { ... } must evaluate to a value.

A simple case where pattern matching is useful is where primitve typed values can be matched against literals.

let force = match (name) {
    "Skywalker" => Strong,
    "Palpatine" => Strong,
    _ => Weak

Note: You can’t use a variable in a match expression because of the ambiguity of whether assignment or comparison is happening.

match takes an expression that may return an ADT. Using ADTs with pattern matching is a very productive (ahem) pattern, especially because it supports straightforward destructuring of values out of the ADT.

// a is a `string[]`, indexing into it returns an `Option<string>`
let message = match (a[1000]) {
    Some("Hello") => "The value was 'Hello'",
    Some(v) => "The value was not 'Hello'",
    None => "There was no value"

Records and Tuples can be destructured (up to one level), including in ADTs.

let something = match (["str", -1, true]) {
    [_, 1, _] => "foo"
    [x, y, false] => "bar"
    ["str", y, _] => "baz"

Note: Right now, using match on a record doesn’t make a lot of sense in chicory, since there is no way to require specific keys to have specific values (destrucutring matches anything). This is an area for further exploration.